Important Tips When Choosing Skin Care Products

Important Tips When Choosing Skin Care Products

During the day to day we accumulate a lot of dirt on our skin, such as pollution and makeup residues. This is usually not visible, as it affects our pores, but we soon notice our skin is blemished, oily or with blackheads and pimples. Cleaning the skin daily is essential for skin health. The products for skin cleansing are excellent aids in the maintainability of a clean and healthy skin.

Choose suitable skin cleansing products

Doing a thorough cleaning of the skin is important. For this, many aesthetic clinics offer this service, but it is also possible to do it at home trying to use the correct skin cleanser products. Skin cleansing products will vary depending on your skin type. Another factor is the season, since during the winter the skin can become drier and more sensitive and in the summer the skin tends to get more oil. Before you spend money on products that will not guarantee the expected result and, in addition, harm your skin, see what can be used on each skin type.

Dry skin cleansing products

It is usually a more mature skin, so it is possible to combine cleaning agents with cell renewing agents. Glycolic acid, for example, promotes cell renewal and moisturizes, which is essential for those with dry skin. The use of products with vitamin C enhances the effect.

Oily skin cleansing products

As oily skin needs a deeper cleansing, products with salicylic acid and menthol can help to close the pores and thus reduce the oiliness of the skin.

Mixed skin cleansing products

It may not seem like it, but this type of skin is the one that needs more care, since, with the use of the wrong skin cleansing products, they can either become too dry or too oily.